Verifying your property’s location

After listing your property on our platform, you will need to confirm your property’s location to ensure that guests can find it easily upon arrival. We will tell you the verification information that you need to share to complete the site verification process via the control panel using the partner verification portal.

What is location verification ?

Through our website it is essential that you show guests the correct location of your property in order to manage their expectations and provide them with a positive experience. uses various methods to confirm the location of your accommodation. While we understand that you may prefer one method over another, you cannot choose which method we customize for you. We make this decision based on variables such as the type of property and the location of the property.

The partner must confirm that his accommodation is confirmed, and in the event that your accommodation is not confirmed, we will have to temporarily close your accommodation, and you will not be able to receive new reservations. We will also block any pending returns if you use payments from

Confirm your location by filling out a new property registration form.

When you start filling out the registration form for a new property, there will be a part of the form that is specific to placing the location of your property by encoding the maps on Google, and the full address is also put in the name of the street and the city.

Modify the site through an email

You can now confirm your website by sending a message to [email protected] including your location from Google Maps.

Confirm the location of your facility through the control panel page on our website.

Through your control screen after registering and obtaining a username and password, you can confirm or modify your site by selecting the country and city and writing the full address.

Confirm your location when you start register your property. usually, when receiving a new facility registration form, requests the partner to fill in the address completely through the form, from which the facility is registered and the correct location of the facility is set automatically.
In the event of an error, the partner must contact to amend the site as previously mentioned.

Confirm your property location with a call

In some rare cases, we may choose to verify the location of your accommodation by contacting you. In this case, it may take up to three months for us to contact you from the first day we communicated.

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