Submitting a complaint or reporting a technical issue

If you’re having trouble with our platform or services, you can submit a complaint or report a technical issue. We’ll try to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Apply a complaint to

Follow these steps to submit a complaint to us:

  1. Go to the Partner Complaint Forms
  2. Select Partner and enter your personal information.
  3. Select a topic, then under Message enter a description of your complaint – the more detailed information you include, the easier it will be for us to solve the issue
  4. Click Send

Reporting a technical issue with our platform

You can report a technical issue with our platform via the Technical issue forms, and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible. Keep in mind these steps for self-managed partners. Self-managed partners are those who handle their business operations themselves. They don’t have an account manager, affiliate, or agency to manage their property.

Follow these steps to report a technical issue via the extranet:

  1. Go to Technical issue form
  2. Choose Technical issue type , then press continue.
  3. insert your information 
  4. Select the topic and write more about technical issue
  5. Compose your message and click on Send Message

Understanding our complaint handling process

  • We’ll confirm receipt of your complaint via the Extranet inbox or by email, and provide you with more info about the process and what you can expect for the next steps
  • We’ll also send you regular updates on the progress of your complaint
  • A member of our team may contact you if we need more info about your complaint
  • We’ll let you know what the outcome of your complaint is as soon as we resolve it

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