Partners Help Forms helps you through this page by filling out several forms if you have any complaint on our system, dealing with an employee of ours, or through an error that occurred while booking a traveler, we will always be ready to provide full support to solve any problem that any partner may face on our platform.
What does the partner and benefit in the event of a complaint being registered through our platform?
Solve the problem
Solving the problem for any partner because it is the source of our strength on the platform.
Building confidence
By solving the problem for any partner on our platform, great trust will be generated between the partner and
When solving the problem, we do not only look to solve a problem that you may encounter as a partner, but we look forward to improving the quality of the performance that we do if we encounter a problem like this.
Stop loss
Sometimes, if there is a loss on the part of the partner while using our platform incorrectly, we will help him to solve this problem through the support team.
Solving problems is a powerful way to keep working together and build a great online community.
Continuing to work together
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If you have any problem regarding a reservation or an invoice, you can fill out the forms by clicking on the button below.
Technical issue form
In the event that you encounter a problem on our platform or on our system, we are ready to receive the complaint and resolve it with you within a short period, do not hesitate and click on the button below.